Tuesday, August 3, 2010

birthing the blog post...

don't really have time to put together the weekly post today (hopefully will get to this tomorrow), but just wanted to keep the blog fresh by checking in and posting the following from our prayer hike last Friday:

I think the post will be about some of the things God showed me on this hike. 

Till then...

***EDIT (11/7/11)***

This post has consistently been getting extra page views, which I assume must be due to people looking for ways to fight writer's/blogger's block. Well, as someone who has been a pretty consistent blogger, I can give you two pieces of advice:

1) Write regularly, with no excuses. 

I picked Tuesdays as my day, though my schedule (an excuse, I know) has made it pretty important for me to forgo blogging for the time being. Once things get rolling on our new site, however, I'm going to realign my schedule so that I can get back to regular blogging.

Commit to writing regularly (weekly, twice a week, etc) as if you were the New York Times' only writer.

2) Write crap now, edit later

What every writing instructor will tell you is true: don't try to be perfect on your first go. Just get stuff on the page and worry about it making sense later. Draft, draft, draft.

And, finally, a couple of bonus posts of things that I have found useful for ministry, blogging, and use of social media: 

A collection of five tips that have helped me as a blogger/writer. Perhaps they'll be of use to you!

Okay, so I've actually disconnected a few of my social media outlets for the sake of friends who were following all of them and getting overwhelmed with three to four different sources all pointing back at the same article. Also, I've found that there's power in (a la G+'s circles) sharing certain posts/links with certain people, rather than everything with everyone all at once. Quality truly does trump quantity, and the last thing you want to do is end up in someone's spam folder (electronic or psychological). 

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