Tuesday, October 5, 2010

condolences and a prayer request

as you can see from the earlier posts, we're going through a rough time right now at United Life. One of our former members, someone who was closely tied to our ministry even after he had officially joined another church in the area, passed away tragically and unexpectedly at the age of 25 last week. his family is doing remarkably well, but I'd like to ask for your prayer support and covering over them. 

he was an amazing man, someone who taught me a lot both in his life and in his death. I'll probably post more about him later. for now, please just continue to keep his family in prayer, as well as our ministry. may we be Christ's body, guided by and incarnating Him and His love. 

for more information you can visit welovekevinkim.com. 


I'd also like to ask for your prayers for our brothers Brian and James. They are still living on the streets intentionally, and much has been happening. Please pray that they may be obedient and sensitive to God's will for them. Pray also that they be guided by His wisdom. 

Thank you!

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