Tuesday, October 12, 2010

living like tomorrow will never come

"Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed." 
- romans 13:11-12

As I was preparing for this past Sunday's sermon I was amazed at how much of life is built around the idea that time is standing still. I mean, would we really buy what we buy and pay money for what we pay money for if we knew that tomorrow our time on earth would be over? Would we really say what we said (or failed to say) if there was actually an end to life as we've known it so far? 

Instead it's almost like we're taking for granted this idea that nothing's ever going to change, and so the biggest thing on our mind is that laptop, that class, that promotion/raise (or lack of it). 

What advances to the front of the line when we realize that time comes in a limited quantity? Let me propose the following: 
- our relationship with God and working to clear up all of the misconceptions/outright lies out there about God
- our relationships with one another
- what we do for/with people, especially helping those in need and taking care of the responsibilities given to us to steward
- music and art (i.e. making beautiful things with the gifts God has given us)

am I missing anything? 

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