Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We are United Life

So I think our ministry passed a big milestone this month.

No, it wasn't our 30th anniversary (though it is for our motherchurch, United Presbyterian Church of Seattle!). Nor was it my own personal ministry anniversary (that happened back in August). Actually, what it was was the installation of our new leadership board for 2010, the first team of leaders to come onto the team after doing a full year of ministry together with me in 2009.

Far be it from me to say that doing ministry with the "yours truly" is any big privilege. Obviously I'm a very flawed and broken person with a lot of issues. On the other hand, something important happens when you do any extended time of ministry together with people, especially with a pastor. When you do ministry together, you start to get in tune not only with God, but with what God is doing among you. When you add into that mix someone who has been called to the role (but not status) of teacher, leader, and preacher, hopefully you start getting pointed towards directions and questions you might not have considered on your own.

Doing ministry together means something.

2009 was a year for me as a minister to reflect carefully on where God was calling United Life. As I was getting my feet wet in Seattle, I found myself as the weeks passed trying to describe for myself and others more concretely the purpose and identity of this ministry. Thus throughout the year much of what God was pointing us towards came out during sermons, membership classes, and missions preparation. That means that those who ministered together with me throughout 2009 have had the opportunity to observe this direction taking shape, and to see whether they were called to it as well. The 2010 Board is made up of such people.

And if we had to put into words the purpose and identity that God has given to United Life, it would look something like this:

Why does United Life exist? 
Because God loves the world, United Life exists to transform the lives, cultures, and structures of the Greater Seattle area for good by introducing and initiating personal and communal relationships of trust with God made possible by Jesus Christ, and cultivating those relationships through his Word and Holy Spirit.

What "Ministry Promise" defines United Life?
Unexpected Love  (Everything we do must be flavored by and point people towards God's always surprising love. We know we're on the right track when the following four things are happening in our ministry): 

1) We're Gospel Centered (the good message of Jesus Christ is the essential definition of God's love)

2) We love God, our neighbors, and ourselves with Creativity and Compassion (Loving means serving God and one another creatively and compassionately)

3) We promote Critical yet Constructive Thinking (United Life will be characterized by thinking deeply and questioning thoroughly)

4) Our lives and our ministry are characterized by Transparency and Truth (Out of love and perhaps unexpectedly, we have nothing to hide as individuals or as a community)

Any thoughts? I'd love to hear your feedback!

1 comment:

jonathankang said...

looks like i missed out on a lot.
haha, its good to hear that things are going great!