Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When Do You Sing?

from bawdybeau.wordpress.com

So this past Sunday I preached about a critical mistake that many people (especially those who've gone to church all their lives) make, and that is: our gods are too small. 

Instead of worshiping God as he really is, we shrink him down to manageable, bite-sized pieces, and thus who we sing to, pray to, and worship on Sundays often isn't really God, but our picture of what we think he should be like. 

In short, we domesticate God. Instead of taking his place as King and Lord in our lives, he becomes an accessory, a good luck charm, "buddy Jesus". 

So what's the antidote to this? 

I talked about this on Sunday, but I think it bears repeating here: we need to sing to Him not only on Sundays, but on Tuesdays (Today!). 

Of course I don't mean only Tuesday. I mean our picture of God needs to be big enough for us to see the sense of worshiping him not one day a week, but every day, every hour of our lives. And the crazy thing, and I know this from my own life, is that when we sing (and by singing I include humming, whistling...anything that is done expressly for His pleasure and is a manifestation of our devotion) to him by ourselves, outside of church, our picture of him becomes bigger and bigger. Our perception of his presence and reality in our lives gets bigger and bigger. 

See what I'm saying? 

If you want your faith to grow, if you want to see God more clearly as he really is, then today, when no one's around, sing to Him. 


PS: Read a great post by Greg Boyd (a well known pastor and theologian in St. Paul, MN) regarding the new movie The Adjustment Bureau and how it applies to the classic predestination vs. free will debate. 


Anonymous said...

love this post!

Unknown said...

